03 August, 2008

Seeing As How We're Still Nominally a Democracy....

...Guess we could take some action.

Hands Off My Laptop:

Customs and Border Patrol at the Department of Homeland Security was just given the green light to search and seize laptops at the border, without probable cause, by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. They can deny entry to anyone who refuses to give up their laptops and password. This is an affront to our progressive values of privacy and protection from unwarranted search and seizure.

Join us in demanding that Customs and Border Patrol conduct and publish a Privacy Impact Assessment on this policy. People have a right to privacy.

Well, theoretically they do. Let's remind these buggers that there's still such a thing as the Fourth Amendment, although they've been attempting to excise it from the Constitution.

Tell Wal-Mart to Stop Intimidating Its Workers:

You and I both know that Wal-Mart will do anything to get out of treating its employees with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Tell Wal-Mart to stop intimidating its employees into voting against Senator Obama by adding your name to our petition.

These fuckers might respond to a judicious bit of pressure: after all, it's our money they're trying to filch.

It's A Slippery Slope To War:

Over half of the House of Representatives - 112 Democrats and 146 Republicans - have agreed to cosponsor a new resolution against Iran that demands that President Bush “initiate an international effort” to impose a land, sea, and air blockade on Iran to prevent it from importing gasoline and to inspect all cargo entering or leaving Iran.

Such a blockade imposed without United Nations authority (which the resolution does not call for) could be widely construed as an act of war.
Please send a letter asking your Representative to oppose this dangerous path that could lead directly to war with Iran.
The last thing this country needs is another useless war. Let's make sure the fuckers we voted into office hear that message loud and clear.

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