01 August, 2008

My Treatise on Speculative Fiction Now Available!

NP's started a genre-writing series. She tapped me to do my bit, and how could I say no? If you're interested in my yammerings on Speculative Fiction, you can go endure them here.

Wanting a taste first? Right, then. Here's a sample spoonful:

I say "Speculative Fiction," and people give me blank stares. "What's that?" they ask. "Oh, you know - sci fi, fantasy, that sort o' thing." Depending on the person, we either move into starry-eyed "here there be dragons/spaceships!" territory, or the lip curls. "Oh, that. Fluffy stuff. Not serious literature."

Really? How fluffy is
Homer? Read 1984 and had political nightmares? Jorge Luis Borges seemed pretty serious to me, as did Mary Shelley. My college professors surely took Faust, Dante's Inferno, and The Metamorphosis seriously.

There ye go. Hope you enjoyed it. And here's some more M.C. Escher to get you in the proper frame o' mind:

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